
KV Help @ Home – Low Cost Marketing Ideas for Your Company: Part 1

The internet is…wait for it…..BIG! And on that big ol’ internet, are a ton of people. There are 7.8 Billion people in the world. 4.57 Billion of them exist online in some capacity.(source) Point being, there is a massive potential audience that exists online and you can’t possibly reach all…

When You Thank More, You Bank More

It is true. We all perform better and feel like what we do has an impact when we are recognized for our efforts. It’s human nature to seek the acceptance of others and to experience the satisfaction when we not only know the job is well done, but when we…

Why do Start-Ups wait so long to discover their Brand?

Brand experience is what differentiates your company from your competitors. It also defines your culture and brings to life your products and services. As your product moves forward or takes on more competitors, your brand will need to remain relevant within the marketplace. Most Start-Up’s ignore this simple task and…