How Can I Get More Traffic to My Website?

Let’s imagine you just launched your first website - first off, congratulations!

Owning a website is one of the initial steps to marketing your brand!  But now the next thing to consider is how can you get your customers to find you online?

There are multiple ways you can drive traffic to your website, so let’s go through them together! 



Content creation! And no, we aren’t just talking about social media, although we will touch on that soon…we are talking about blogs, articles, information and video content! 


Yes people read blogs, yes people read articles, and yes, people LOVE videos!! Populate your site with content weekly/biweekly/whenever you can – as much as you can manage! This will help not only with your organic SEO, but when you write a blog or article, it essentially adds an index page to your website and search engines will “comb” or look at this page and the corresponding content and recognize the content when people search for the keywords online. It also is a great way to create a brand voice and relate to your audience/customers! 


Utilize Social media! We told you that this one was coming! We highly recommend using social media to drive your followers to your website, and chances are, if they’re following you, they enjoy your content, so why not shove your freshly done website in their faces? Social media is also a great place to share sneak peeks of content that you have published on your website. PROMOTE YOURSELF! Make sure you are also engaging with the community as well – people love when you humanize your business, it will keep them coming back for more.


Website Analytics + SEO! Track those analytics and use that SEO because you can easily find out what is driving people to your website or you can see where people are leaving your website. By being able to view all these important analytics, you will be able to adjust your site, add or take down content based on what is essentially “hot or not” and create the right milkshakes to bring all that traffic to your yard! 


Create Awesome visuals! For starters, people like things that look good – that’s a fact! If you are making sure your site has quality visuals, is organized and is pleasing to the eyeballs, it will make your site more appealing to revisit. Also, Google is now showing more images in their search results, which gives you more opportunities to gain website traffic! 


Use Keywords! Think about what people would be typing into their browser when they are searching for your products/services. Also, think about what you have on your site, what type of words do you have on there that could draw people in? Make sure that you use long-tail keywords, too – this will bring in the most relevant traffic to your site! 


Link Internally! Use at least 2-3 links on your site that link to other pages of your site. This will drive traffic to those other pages, will keep traffic on your site longer and it allows you to get more value out of the work you’ve put in.


Make sure it’s mobile and tablet friendly! You may be shocked at how many more website visits are done off of mobile divides these days. Most people have their phone on them 24/7, making it so much easier to access the internet from anywhere. All websites should be just as user-friendly and pleasing to the eye as a desktop version, or you will lose visitors.


In closing, if you don’t have time to do all these things, or just don’t want to, but understand the importance of it all, contact us today and we can do it for you! Let’s get your website traffic pumping!